
5 minutes

super easy




Adjust Servings
40g basil leaves Leave out the stems
2 large cloves minced garlic
150ml olive oil
25g toasted pine nuts
25g parmesan


Toast the pine nuts
If you are dealing with raw pine nuts, throw them into a dry, small pan for a couple of minutes until the edges start to brown. These move from "fine" to "burnt" real quick, so be careful.
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Blitz to combine
A food processor or smoothie blender makes this a dream -- throw everything in and blend on the highest setting until you have a smooth sauce. If it turns out a bit thick, you can let it down with a bit of oil. Taste for seasoning (remember parmesan is decently salty) and adjust as necessary. Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.
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But I want to eat it now?
Oh, right. Combine a heaped tablespoon of pesto (roughly 20 grams) with a serving of pasta. Assuming you're eating the pasta fresh from boiling water, use tongs or a spider strainer and don't worry too much about a small amount of pasta water -- this will emulsify with the pesto to make a smoother sauce.
I like to use 100g of dried linguine or around 150g of dried gnocchi. Microplane some additional parmesan over the top and you have yourself Jack's working-from-home lunch.
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