
5 minutes

super easy




Adjust Servings
100g white sugar
10g fresh mint
3 limes., quartered
200ml white rum
500ml sparkling water or lemonade
1handful ice cubes
1glassful per person crushed ice


Pick mint leaves from the stems (don't include the stems in the drink) and roll between your palms to bruise them. Add to the sugar in a tall jug and squish together (muddling) with a wooden spoon, spatula, rolling pin, muddler, whatever is to hand.
Add the limes (you can pre-juice these or add them in quarters into the jug) and repeat the squishing until the juice is on the outside of the limes. Add rum and stir to combine. Add sparkling water or lemonade to taste (if you pass out, get someone else to add more).
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Add the remaning mint sprigs to the jug, and one to each glass of crushed ice. Serve the mojitos as cold as possible over crushed ice and garnish with additional lime quarters. Bottoms up!
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