
2 minutes

super easy




Adjust Servings
1 egg
1tbsp lemon juice
1tsp dijon mustard
1clove garlic, grated
240ml neutral oil
1pinch fine sea salt


Layer and blend
Add the egg, lemon juice, mustard, and garlic to a tub or jar. You'll need an immersion/hand blender for this, so make sure the vessel vits the head of the blender. Pour the oil gently over the top and allow to settle.
Dip the immersion blender into the tub/jar and allow to touch the bottom. Holding the blender completely vertically, spin at high speed until mayonnaise. Everything should come together very quickly, don't over-blend or do anything fancy. Give it a stir, and store airtight in the fridge for 1-2 weeks, if it lasts that long.
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